

IMPORT NFTs as avatars

One of the most innovative features offered by Meta Legend is the ability for players to import their NFTs and use them as avatars within the game. This introduces an entirely new dimension to gaming, where digital characters are not just representations but unique, one-of-a-kind avatars owned by the player. This ownership allows the player to have a personal stake in the game, with their NFT avatars potentially accruing value as they progress and achieve success in the gaming universe.

Value for NFT Collections

  • Ready-to-play game template

  • Accelerated development with cost & time efficiency

  • Collaborative marketing opportunities

  • Community engagement and new client acquisition

Value for NFT Holder

  • Unleashing the full utility of NFTs

  • Connecting with a exclusive community

  • Potential value growth for NFTs

  • Building trust and increase believer


Meta Legend utilizes advanced AI-generated content (AIGC) to allow players to create game avatars that closely resemble their real-life appearance. By simply taking and uploading a picture of themselves, the platform's AI generates a unique, play-ready avatar that can be used to represent the player in the metaverse game. Furthermore, Meta Legend allows users to mint their distinctive avatars as NFTs, thereby owning a unique digital representation of themselves in the blockchain world.

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