Team Up & Battle

â‘  Click the "Start" button on the right to begin game matching; after matching is complete, you'll automatically enter the weapon selection interface.

â‘¡ Click on a weapon image to select it, then click the "Choose" button to finalize your current weapon. The game match will begin once the weapon selection ends.

â‘¢ In the match, use the left joystick to control character movement and slide the screen on the right to control the viewing angle.

â‘£ The game uses auto-attack mode:

Long Distance Weapon: The center of the screen serves as the crosshair; automatically attack the enemy when aimed.

Short Distance Weapon: Move close to the target; the target will be automatically attacked when in range.

⑤ The match ends when one side reaches 20 kills or when time runs out. The side with the most kills wins, and match statistics will be displayed.

â‘¥ Click "Quit" to return to the game lobby.